Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rajgad torna 26-27 Jan 2006

An account of the trek

Participants (7) :

Sanket Sangwikar, Ketan Khairnar, Manoj Pawar, Mayuresh Jog, Aniket Kate, Mahesh Shinde, Neelesh Sawant.

Destination: Rajgad to Torna trek

  1. Climb Rajgad and Rajgad darshan
  2. Rajgad to Torna walk
  3. Climb Torna and Torna darshan
  4. Get down from Torna

Journey: Kayan – Pune (by bus) – Nasrapur (by bus) – Gunjavne (Jeep) – Rajgad (Trek) – Torna (Trek) – Velhe (Trek) – Pune (bus)

An account by Sanket Sangwikar

Planning for the First time

For the first time in the trekking history we planned a trek three week before and yet the plan was executed. 4 of us confirmed, 2 joined at last moment, and 1 surprise addition from Ketan’s orkut contacts (Mahesh) reached Nasrapur at 4.00am. There was sudden wave of cold all over Maharashtra and Pune went down to 4 degrees, so you could imagine! We waited in chilled open space, negotiated with jeep drivers, took snaps, ate and finally agreed with a jeep driver to reach the base of Rajgad.

View of Rajgad wad really breathtaking from Gunjvne village. We could see the Indian flag on the fort. (It was 26th Jan!) The first timers of Rajgad – Aniket, Mayuresh and Manoj – were all excited. In spite of me, Ketan and Neelesh been here before, without breaking our tradition, we went along the wrong path and then searched the correct one through water streams.

Aniket was carrying more than 3 kgs of fruits and cucumber and everybody was calling him ‘phalwala’. The rate of clicking snaps was directly proportional to the height we were climbing. Of course I managed to get some of my solos clicked. I was enjoying this route for the third time but still it was exciting.

Rajgad stay

After we claimed the space in Padmavati temple, Rajgad darshan started. We visited some places like Gunjavne Darwaja, tunnels of Suvela Machi, which were unseen last time. The fort is really amazing – the more you see, more you love it. Mayuresh – visitor of Raigad for many times – was also astonished to see the defense mechanism on the fort. The ‘Raju guide’ (that is me) was constantly speaking something. And Aniket was not finding any “application” of those things.

Evening was lot boring for me and Ketan while we were not able see anything new and were just waiting for the other people who had gone to see most magnificent part of the fort – Balekilla or citadel.

Dinner was literally a fast for Neelesh while we had only one slice bread and some parathas. (sorry Manoj! Not parathas but ‘theple’) Thanks that Ketan got the MTR packet boiled from the fellow trekkers. Neelesh was so hungry that he ate half of raw half boiled rice that no body else was touching. Ketan for the first time in his treks had brought enough food. Aniket was frustrated and counting jocks ++ for every PJ cracked by Mahesh.

Rajgad to Torna

Decision to leave Rajgad by 6.30am was scrapped by the chilling cold outside and we finally left at 8.30am. Manoj fully ‘enjoyed’ the freezing water and open space for his morning rituals. We left Rajgad from deeply hidden Alu darwaja of Sanjivani Machi. 4 of us drank the last glasses of buttermilk of Rajgad and of course lagged behind. We walked and walked along the hills appreciating the view of Rajgad behind and reached a tar road after crossing 7-8 hills. While everybody was tired, the board said we had just crossed 1 km and Torna is 10km ahead. But thanks that is was instruction for the tar road and not the trek route.

With very low morale, tired legs, time running to 11.00am, we started rethinking of Torna. Fortunately we found a hut on top of a hill, where we got water, buttemilk and morale; so we continued. Next 4-5 hills were crossed in one go with that energy in spite of losing the way twice. 5 more trekkers joined us on the way and twelve of headed for the first patch of Budhla Machi of Torna.

Rock patches of Budhla Machi

Mahesh was horribly tired due to his inappropriate trekking bag. Ketan was bravely fighting his heavy sack, torn at one of the belts. View of fortification of Torna was really amazing. The first rock patch was 60 degree steep but with loose sand on the rocks. The second one was horrible. If I had gone first, I would have dropped the idea of climbing it. Mayuresh though crossed that 90-degree steep patch and entered Torna; so did we.

Ah! We were on the fort finally. Now we just had to reach the Balekilla. But things are never simple. I got cramp in my leg, which had bone crack two moths back. It pained like hell. I thought the trek is over. I will have stay here for the night. But thanks to relispray and painkillers, I could do the trek ahead. I was praying for the easy route with my injured leg. But soon everybody was speechless to see the rock patch ahead.

The second one was nothing before this. This one was horizontal where you cannot tie a rope, 90 degree steep at both side and rocks of the width of less than1 foot below your feet. Everybody prayed for life and started for there was no return back on the second rock patch also. We had to go ahead. The environment was really tensed for us. Aniket was yelling at everyone who interrupted him with some question on the rock patch. He yelled at the other trek group also. But nobody was in the state of paying heed to it. Of course I cannot forget that he carried my heavy sack with the huge carry mat all over the rock patch to reduce my load.

We formed a chain where next person used to instruct the behind one where to keep feet and hands. We crossed rocks, turned around them, crawled, sat on the rocks, jumped but everybody crossed successfully. Affection for life is so strong that any of the feet did not slip, any hand did not let the rock leave.

We were frightened to cross the rock path of Harishchandragad in deep monsoon of July. But this rock patch was like doing Harishchandragad 4 times. The line “Zinda hoon main” held true for us as we entered the huge gate of Balekilla of Torna.

Getting down

No body was in the state of looking at Torna fort, but actually the fort had all its fortification in place. It had a nasty ambience where you do not want to stay much. After all it was effect of the superstition that Torna bears a ghost. Mayuresh was particular about leaving the fort before sunset.

We finished all he reaming parathas (this time it was not a fast!), drank lot of water and headed down to Velhe by another route of course. No body bothered clicking a single snap on Torna. Though this route is also steep, we felt it nothing before Budhla Machi rock patch. After all Torna is the highest fort in Pune district named as ‘Prachadgad’ by Shivaji. Throughout the trek Aniket was either speaking or yelling. He did not break that tradition while getting down also. He was the most enthusiastic in our group and literally ran ahead of us.

Misinformation conveyed

We all abused the Internet pages, which did not convey the proper information or rather conveyed misinformation about the rock patches. We will not recommend Rajgad to Torna trek for ant trek group unless you are experience with rock climbing. Doing Rajgad and Torna separately is the best way for general trek groups, that is what one of the wiser trek groups we met were going to follow.

Of course we enjoyed every moment of the trek. The fear at that time has turned into thrill now. While we say we will never do this trek again, we do not know what lies ahead.

1 comment:

Dr Advait Jathar said...

did you guys take the normal route or is there an easier path to go from raigad to torna(the rocky patches) which you missed?